Welcome to my personal website dedicated to the "Renault 5" in general and to my "classic R5's" in particular!

1972 - 2012 ***** 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE RENAULT 5

1972 - 2022 ***** 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE RENAULT 5

50 years of R5 - Renault Originals Museum (R5 TL)

R5 GTL Laureate

This is a personal page created with the intention of paying tribute to a car that was remarkable in many ways. In addition to the personal reasons why I have a special affection (if one can show affection for a machine) for the car in the picture shown here, the Renault 5 was a car that marked the automobile industry of the old continent in his time and undoubtedly also a generation of Portuguese that on the difficult years of 70/80, struggled to have access to a comfortable means of transportation, affordable, reliable and versatile.
By the end of its production up of 5 million units were made, some of them in Portugal, where Renault had assembly lines for this model. Although the production has officially ended in 1984 (when it was replaced by a 2nd generation model that became known as the Super 5), their genes still remained until very recently (2010?) in a model manufactured in Iran that was no more than a Renault 5 with some modifications and updates (either "design" or mechanical).

My classic car clubs membership:

CAR Logo - C.A.R.;     CLAC Logo - C.L.A.C.;     HACETS Logo - H.A.C.E.T.S.;     Car Enjoy Clube - Logo - C.E.C.


© Direitos de autor - Nota © Copyright - Note




Thank you for visiting my site

This site is not operated by, sponsored by, endorsed by, or affiliated with RENAULT group.

It is only the result of my passion for a mythical model produced by Renault 40 years ago and who accompanied me on some special moments of my life.
All the information within these pages is the result of my research on several sources (Internet, books, magazines, brochures, etc.).
I try, to the extent of my knowledge, that they be as precise as possible, therefore I'll be the only responsible for any innacuracies you may find. Please see also the Copyright note.

As you probably already noticed, I'm not a native English speaker and my knowledge of the English language is not as good as I would like. As this English version is a translation made by myself from the Portuguese one, you'll probably come across a few mistakes and bad grammar constructions.
So, if you find any mistakes or a better way to build a sentence and want to be kind enough to help me improve these pages, please fell free to send the corrected mistake or phrases to my email mario.sequeira@netcabo.pt.
I'll be very grateful.

That said... be my guest to surf these pages. I hope you'll enjoy them.