1972 - 2012 ***** 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE RENAULT 5

This is a personal page created with the intention of paying tribute to a car that was remarkable in
many ways. In addition to the personal reasons why I have a special affection (if one can show affection
for a machine) for the car in the picture shown here, the Renault 5 was a car that marked the automobile
industry of the old continent in his time and undoubtedly also a generation of Portuguese that on the
difficult years of 70/80, struggled to have access to a comfortable means of transportation, affordable,
reliable and versatile.
By the end of its production up of 5 million units were made, some of them in Portugal, where Renault
had assembly lines for this model.
Although the production has officially ended in 1984 (when it was replaced by a 2nd generation
model that became known as the Super 5), their genes still remained until very recently (2010?) in a model
manufactured in Iran that was no more than a Renault 5 with some modifications and updates
(either "design" or mechanical).
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